• top 30 under 30    相關企業商業資訊
    1. Under Peace

      電話:0287727785    地址:台北市大安區延吉街62巷9號
    2. top success

      top Success is a leading Optical equipment dealer in Print Circuit Board industry.

      電話:03-4620606    地址:桃園縣中壢市忠義路82號
    3. 慶穗工業股份有先公司

      ...onment. Ever since 1993 to have been in the plastic injection business and under the leadership of the Director, Ching-Sui serves its clients with top product quality and immediate service that keep the company the leading edge above others. Ching-Sui will, however, keeps working hard to reinforce i...

      電話:04-26712573    地址:台中市大安區興安路199號
    4. TOP GIRL(花蓮)

      專營男女服飾,童裝,本公司本年度代言人為SHE,只要您對自己銷售能力有自信者,歡迎加入TOP GIRL服飾.

      電話:03-8311150    地址:花蓮縣花蓮市中正路503號地圖
    5. DRINK TOP茶飲

      DRINK TOP茶飲館前店於99年10月開幕,營業時間為早上9點到晚上10點歡迎工作態度佳夥伴加入我們~

      電話:02-23826925    地址:台北市中正區館前路6-1號1F

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